Contributing to Local Communities

Flower Increasing Campaign

Day-service users at Azumi En in Elderly Care Business grow flowers in the recreational activities and invite the local community members to enjoy the flowering season together. The cumulative number of such events are about 50 times a year across all Azumi En facilities.

Blood Donations

  • Leopalace21 periodically carries out blood donation drives for employees since 2008 in which more than 50 employees taking part every year.

Date Place Participated employees
FY2019 Dec Tokyo headquarters 124
FY2020 Jan Tokyo headquarters 61
FY2021 Dec Tokyo headquarters 72
FY2022 Dec Tokyo headquarters 77
FY2023 Dec Tokyo headquarters 68

Volunteer Vending Machines

  • Leopalace21 places volunteer vending machines in the offices, and 1 to 3 yen per refreshments sold will be donated to charity organizations.

  • ボランティア・ベンダー
Donated to FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
National Federation of The Physically Disabled and Their Parents Associations JPY 1,232,646 JPY 964,142 JPY 630,073 JPY 369,906 JPY 604,454
CIESF JPY 196,028 JPY 126,093 JPY 88,799 JPY 64,234 JPY 67,855
Japan Cancer Society JPY 510,995 JPY 443,389 JPY 309,559 JPY 253,713 JPY 293,363
Japan Sociely of Breast Health JPY 26,469 JPY 19,591 JPY 12,654 JPY 11,336 JPY 14,021
Total JPY 1,966,138 JPY 1,553,215 JPY 1,041,085 JPY 699,189 JPY 979,693

Leopalace Recycle Reading

  • Leopalace21 collects used books, CDs and DVDs from employees, and sell them to VALUE BOOKS Corporation since 2010. The proceeds are then donated to National Network for Victim Support.

  • レリリの募金

Total sum of donations

Year Amount Donated to
FY2019 JPY 4,635 National Network for Victim Support
FY2020 JPY 7,239 National Network for Victim Support
FY2021 JPY 7,052 National Network for Victim Support
FY2022 JPY 5,289 National Network for Victim Support
FY2023 JPY 8,199 National Network for Victim Support

Providing Housing Support to Ukrainian Refugees

Leopalace21 has provided vacant apartment units under its management as part of a humanitarian aid to Ukrainian refugees, who were granted by the Japanese government, for a short period of time. We wish to relieve the Ukrainians' suffering and restore the peace in Ukraine and the world.

Number of units provided: 59 *As of September 30, 2023


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